
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stories & Scripture- The Kissing Hand and Doubting Thomas

Last fall, I was asked to present at a workshop for CCD and Catholic School teachers.  The theme for the evening was "Making the Secular Holy."

I spent the summer thinking about ways that we can use the secular resources around us in our classrooms and our home to deliver a message of Truth to the kids that we love.  Now don't get me wrong, there are some wonderful books and movies out there that teach directly about Christ and His Church.  However, they might not be as readily available, might be more expensive, might not be as attractive, etc.  Let's be honest- most American homes have a copy of The Cat in the Hat, but few have The Weight of a Mass.

So let's teach our kids to find meaning in all things around them, that God can be found in the movies they watch and the books they read, even if they don't have an obvious tie.

This and following posts will have links to a one page sheet with questions, activities, and prayers that show the connection between a well loved secular children's book and a story from the Bible.
Included are questions to ask for each story, ways to bring them together, and connections to the Sacraments and Saints.

First up: The Kissing Hand & Doubting Thomas, a lesson in believing when you can't see.
Click on the document for a link to the real thing.

Happy reading!

Stories & Scripture:
Connecting beloved picture books with the faith:
The Kissing Hand & Doubting Thomas
The Giving Tree & The Prodigal Son
Curious George & Zacchaeus
Click, Clack,  Moo & Ask, Seek, Knock
Stone Soup & The Feeding of the 5000


  1. Thanks, Katie! I was just trying to decide what books to get the boys for their St. Valentine's Day presents, and I had forgotten about this one! Going in the Amazon cart now...

  2. Thanks, Marie! FYI, I'll be adding quite a few sheets like this over the next week or so- trying to get ready for a presentation. I know your boys are pretty little, but I'm sure you can start to have some great conversations with them :)

  3. Thanks. A thoughtful way to teach about Doubting Thomas.
