
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stuff this Catholic girl says & Prize winner announced!

You may have missed this post.
If so, please watch this video before reading on.

We all have lingo- doctors, teachers, Protestants, Catholics, moms, cooks, referees...sometime you have to be one to understand one.  I think that is a reason why this video struck me as so funny.  Sometime we get so wrapped up in our "lingo" that we forget what we are really saying.  Unfortunately, that means that we are leaving the rest of the non________ crowd out of the loop.  The video "Stuff Catholic Girls Say" definitely made me laugh, but it also made me think.  What are Christians, especially Catholics, saying out of habit that is misunderstood, overused, or insincere?  What kind of witness are we giving by the words that we use to represent our faith? Are we empathetic, genuine, and open when we talk?  Do we make an effort to keep others in the loop as we discuss Christ and His Church?  Hmmm...something to ponder.

Ok, enough with the introspection.  It is way too late in the evening for that, and I have people hounding me and threatening to un-follow my blog if I don't announce the winner.   Let's move on to the lighter stuff.

So, I mentioned that I have had every one one of these conversations before.

I re-watched the video, and there is a slight correction to that statement.  Since I no longer teach 6th grade, it has been quite a while since I have discussed Justin Bieber.  I also have not had a discussion about his possible Catholic-conversion-marriage-status to Selena Gomez.  (Sorry, Rachel.)

So what was my favorite line?

It actually has nothing to do with being Catholic, which is why it struck me as so funny.  Because even though it has no connection to Catholicism, I can't tell you how many times I have heard or said this statement in my circles of Christian friends over the years.  I guess there is a connection to modesty, but other than that, it was just funny.

The winning line is...

"Oh, my gosh, I love your cardigan!"

Congrats, Betsy!

I know, its a dorky line, but aren't they all?

There was a very close runner-up, which is a little more genuine, so I decided that it merits a runner-up prize, also to be fabulous and crafty.

The runner up line is...

"So, I can't decide if I want to homeschool my children or not."

Congrats Bonnie!

That one was my second favorite, because I have been asked my opinion of homeschooling over and over  (and over) sometimes by the most random people.  (For example- I am on a long car ride with a person that I don't know that well, and in a very serious tone, they turn to me and say... "So, tell me, are you planning on homeschooling your children?"  And I am all like.... "Children?  I don't have children, unless you know something that I don't.  I think I'll save making decisions about things like their nursery color and schooling options until they are at least conceived. Thanks.")

Oh, I was going to post what the prizes were, but this post has gone from very late evening to very early morning, so I think that will have to wait. I'll keep Betsy and Bonnie in suspense :)