
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Keeping the Sabbath #19

1. A Song:
Loved loved loved seeing her in concert on Friday.  Also loved hearing her story to go along with this song.  She first heard His Eye is On the Sparrow on Sister Act 2 (yes!) and sang a bit of her own Lauryn Hill impersonation before singing her version. Enjoy two songs today!

2. A Verse:
"O Lord, let the light of your countenance shine upon put gladness into my heart." ~Psalm 4:7-8

3. A Quote:
"All the elements, then, glory in the Resurrection of must be that the sun should rejoice in the Resurrection of the One at whose suffering it had lamented." ~St. Maximus of Turin

4. An Image:

5. A Blessing:

I was able to spend my Friday night surrounded by many friends, uplifting music, and coffee.  It doesn't get much better than that.

6. An Intention:
To remember that each task is an offering to the King of the Universe, and I can share in His work cheerfully or begrudgingly.  I will choose cheerfully.

7. A Challenge:
Patience with people make unintentionally harmful comments.  You know, the ones that they don't think anything of, but drive right to the core of a pain in your heart.  They don't know that they are hitting a sore subject, but alas, they have.  And you have the choice to graciously continue the conversation... or to punch them in the face.  My challenge is to meet them with joy, and to keep my hands to myself.

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