
Friday, June 8, 2012

Planning Confirmation

So, as a DRE, there are some things that I love to do and some things that I don't particularly love to do.  And there are also some things that I dread doing, procrastinate doing, and then end up actually enjoy doing.  I am rambling.  But there is a point. 

Every year, I work with my catechists and parents to prepare students for their First Reconciliations and First Communions.  I have helped do this with 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th graders.  After four years, I have a pretty organized file, reusable handouts, and a format for the programs that I can come back to each year. However, one Sacrament that I don't have many resources on is Confirmation.  One reason is that I have only been the DRE for one Confirmation class. Another reason is that there are fewer resources out there for Confirmation- I think because not as many people enjoy teaching it.  Middle & High Schoolers are intimidating, they only view it as "graduation", it is hard to make the faith relevant to them...I have heard it all.  It is tough to find catechists willing to teach Confirmation.  I thing that the Catholic community can be doing more to build up people who want to work with that age group.  To tell them that the kids do need to learn from them. That they do care about their faith.  That they deserve to be given the tools and knowledge and relationship to stay a part of the Church. 

Sorry, I am rambling again.

The point is that I was surprised when my priest recently told me that he wanted to have Confirmation this year.  I was surprised because we have a small upcoming class, and last year we waited an extra year to increase numbers.  So when he told me that he wanted me to get the ball rolling on Confirmation, I admit, I groaned a little inwardly.  I then I checked myself.  I need to work on my attitude and start praying that we can provide the best Sacramental preparation for these kids during such a critical time.

So I have started my preparation by pulling out files from our last Confirmation class, and I was excited to see that many of them can be adapted or used again.  And I thought that if I was going to update them, I would share them with you.  So your reward for reading this rambling post are these resources: (Coming soon are some Confirmation lesson plans!)

Parent Support Letter

General Confirmation Requirements
Sponsor Requirements
Confirmation Service Project Record Sheet
Confirmation Saint Name Report

St. Augustine Holy Spirit Prayer

Confirmation Penance Service Program

Confirmation Penance Service Reflection for Adults

Confirmation Penance Service Reflection for Students


  1. I found your blog from Bonnie and I searched Confirmation to see what you have. I totally feel you! I feel like it's sooooo hard to find confirmation resources that aren't boring and make sense! I've been working with our confirmation classes since I graduated college in 2008.

    My mom keeps saying she needs to write a book. I was even talking to some youth ministers and all the current curriculums are just "okay" and we wonder why we lose them after confirmation.

    1. Hi Beth Anne!
      I think Confirmation is the toughest age 0-100 to catechize. This year, our teacher used the YouCat ( and Fr. Robert Barron's Catholicism Project ( as his primary materials, and it was awesome. We are still finishing up the year, but expect a post about how his "experiment" went some time soon!

  2. Dear Katie, I love your blog! I am contemplating teaching Confirmation classes this fall (our oldest will be starting the process). I am really struggling to find engaging lessons for the first year (and well, for the second as well). Any suggestions? Cathy M.

    1. Hi Cathy! Good luck in your planning process! In our curriculum, we make use of the YouCat, Bishop Robert Barron's Catholicism Series, and the Dynamic Catholic program Decision Point. I also have heard and seen great things from the Ascension Press program Chosen. Anything from Mark Hart's Bible T3 Bible Timeline series is great, as well as the Theology of the Body for Middle Schoolers/Teens. God Bless you and the students you'll be working with!

  3. Hi Katie!
    I am a regular at your blog and love implementing your wonderful ideas and children just love them! Thanks a lot for all the resources that you provide for free! You are amazing!!
    I need a favour. Can you suggest on some meaningful gifts for children receiving their first holy communion?

    Thanks in advance!
    Lini Nicholas

    1. Hi Lini!
      A few ideas: A Rosary, a Children's Bible, a Children's Catechism, a Holy Water bottle filled with water from the church on the day of their First Communion, a prayer journal, a framed image of Jesus, Mary, or the patron Saint of your church, etc. Hope that spurs on an idea!

  4. Hi Katie! Again, thank you so much for graciously sharing all your hard work. Getting ready to prepare 7th graders for their first year of Confirmation classes. God has blessed you with such a magnificent gift...thank you for sharing.

    1. You are very welcome! Know of my prayer for you and your students!

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  7. Hi Katie -
    I see this post is from 2012 and I'm curious if you still do the Confirmation Penance service. I love the idea but it would be a bit of a thing to pull off. Any pros/cons? Do you still do it and has it evolved in any capacity?

    Thanks as well for the work you put into to sharing your incredible work. As a new faith formation assistant tasked with leading the confirmation program at our church just simply being able to see another passionate, dedicated person has been very uplifting and encouraging.

    1. Hi! I'm sorry I missed this comment last month. We do still do a similar Confirmation retreat! We've combined with a neighboring parish for Confirmation and host a joint Penance service the week before. Students are required to attend and parents & sponsors are highly encouraged. The students receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we support and encourage the adults to as well.
      I've worked with a couple of different priests since this post, and some provide a brief reflection at the beginning of the service. We often play quiet music in the background to help muffle noise during the time of prayer, as the students are typically not used to silence. We also haven't always done a meal, but I do think it is a great element to add to the evening. Hope that helps! Feel free to send me an email if you have any more specific questions!

  8. Hi Katie! I love all the resources you share. I know this is an old post, but was looking at/for the Penance Service Reflection for Adults and it keeps looping me back to this page. Is the link broken or am I doing something wrong? I can see the one for teens with no problem. I work with the parents so was hoping to share the resource with them. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Amandra- I'm not sure what had happened, but you are right- that resource was gone. I've relinked it above. Let me know if you have any more trouble!
