
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pop Out Divine Mercy Chaplet

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!

One of my goals for our Sheen Notebooks is to also review the Sacraments, which is the overall theme of our 5th grade curriculum.  I am actually saving that for the end of the project, but I could not pass up teaching about Divine Mercy Sunday and tying in Jesus' infinite love, forgiveness, and mercy with our need to be reconciled to Him through the Sacrament of Confession.

For background info on Divine Mercy and how to pray the Chaplet click here.

We will do further activities to review the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but for now, we will add this pop out chaplet to the page and come back to it later.  Another perk of Notebooking is that learning is continuous and can be added to, not individual projects that are long gone by the time a connection comes up.

Here are the instructions for making your own pop out Divine Merct Chaplet:

First print and color the beads (link at the end of the post).
Then cut them out, leaving the overlapped parts attached.
 Next, connect the three pieces by overlapping them slightly and taping with scotch tape.
 Next, accordion fold the beads.
Then tape the last bead to the notebook page and fold the rest of the chaplet.
 The chaplet stays folded up, but can easily be pulled all the way out to pray it.
 Alternately, you can print five copies of the printable and make an entire chaplet (I would not recommend putting it in a notebook :) ) instead of just a decade.

Click on the image below for the printable:


  1. Wow, this is wonderful!!
    I pinned it for the future too:)

    Have a great night!

  2. This is the pop- up Divine Mercy!

  3. Glad you like it! I think this is a great prayer to teach our kids!

  4. Great. We used for our family.Thanks

  5. So cute! will be sharing with some kids in our D.M. kids club at school!

  6. Thank you for making this I can't wait to use it tomorrow in Religious Ed

  7. I have tried to open numerous printables from your site today and it keeps saying there is an error. Do you know if these are still available?

    1. Hi Julie! I'm so sorry for your trouble! I checked and had trouble with some links as well even though nothing has changed on my end. This has happened one other time before, and within a couple of hours everything was back to normal. You can either wait and try later today, or you are welcome to email me at looktohimandberadiant (at) with the list of what you wanted and I will send them right out to you. Let me know!

    2. Julie, it's working on my end again, so I hope you don't have any more trouble!

  8. Thank you very much for the free Divine Mercy Chaplet printable! I'm making it available to the families in our Faith Formation Program.

  9. Katie
    Any other tools to teach first reconciliation?

  10. Thank you this is a great way to tea h the children about Gods mercy and reconciliation in a fun way that they will treasure
