
Friday, April 25, 2014

7QT: Little Bits of Alleluia

Alleluia!  Happy Easter!  I am still celebrating around here (and will be for about 45 more days!), so I thought I'd share a few of "little" ways the alleluia of Easter has been present in my week.

My itunes playlist has officially changed from my Lent collection to my Easter collection.  It is the best.

My table centerpiece is beautiful.
Fired Up painted pottery, on display for the first time, 
garage sale Scrabble pieces, always present but sharing their own alleluia, 
rummage sale linen and marble eggs.

I finally got to wear the lovely ivory lace dress my sister gave me for Christmas.  
I intentionally saved wearing it for Easter morning.

I opened this blueberry coffee after coming home from Mass Sunday morning.  Oh, my, word, it is delicious.  You should be wishing right now that your screen was scratch and sniff. 

Hung up some little Easter banners for a reminder of the season.

Sending out some Easter cards.

And reading some alleluia worthy words:
"He is not here, for He has risen as He said."
~Matthew 28:6

What have been the little bits of alleluia in your week?

Go visit Jen at Conversion Diary for more Seven Quick Takes!


  1. Did you know we have the same "It is well with my soul" sign? Sisters, sisters....

    1. I gave the same one to Steph for her birthday, so now it is in all of our homes :)
