
Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Way of Light Resurrection Eggs

You probably have seen the commercial versions of Resurrection Eggs and the ideas about how to make them yourself, and even ways to make Stations of the Cross Eggs.  

I have posted before about my version of Resurrection Eggs.  You can click here for those ideas:

Resurrection Eggs (and of course, Station of the Cross Eggs) tend to focus on the events of Holy Week- Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Good Friday, etc. and then end with the Resurrection.

After deciding to create some lessons focusing on Way of Light,(you can see my posts so far here and here), I also wanted to create a hands on craft to help tell the story of the Way of Light. 

I thought that a new version of Resurrection Eggs that focused on the events after the first Easter morning would be a neat way to continue the same idea.  Small objects, each rich in symbolism but easy to understand, tied in with verses from the Bible, all stored in one spot.

Cue The Way of Light Resurrection Eggs:

I actually decided to not put all of the objects inside plastic Easter eggs- I wanted to be able to see all of them at once. You could still put them in eggs for storage purposed if you like.
First, I numbered the inside of the egg carton with a sharpie.  There are 14 Stations of Light, so I found a way to incorporate some of them together, so 1&2 are in the same spot as well as 13&14.
The Stations of Light are:
1. Jesus rise from the dead
2. Women find the empty tomb
3. The risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene
4. The risen Lord appears on the road to Emmaus
5. The risen Lord is recognized in the breaking of the bread
6. The risen Lord appears to the disciples in Jerusalem
7. The risen Lord gives the disciples the power to forgive
8. The risen Lord strengthens the faith of Thomas
9. The risen Lord meets the disciples on the shore of Lake Tiberius
10. The risen Lord confers primacy on Peter
11. The risen Lord sends the disciples into the whole world
12. The risen Lord ascends into heaven
13. Waiting with Mary in the Upper Room
14. The risen Lord sends the Holy Spirit

Here are the objects that I used to symbolize each Station.  (A printable list is at the end of the post)

Station 1 & 2- An empty Easter egg to symbolize the empty tomb
 Station 3- A jar of holy water, symbolizing the tears Mary Magdalene cried
Station 4- A mini magnifying glass, symbolizing the way Jesus revealed the true meaning of the Scriptures to the disciples on the road to Emmaus
Station 5- A paper "host" that opens up to reveal Jesus inside, just like the disciples knew it was Jesus with them through the breaking of the bread.  You can make this easily by folding a piece of heavy white paper, cutting a circle that has one side on the fold, and putting a sticker of Jesus inside.

Station 6- A Saint bracelet, symbolizing the disciples in Jerusalem that saw Jesus.  You could also use a collection of Saint medals, stickers, etc.
 Station 7- A mini purple stole (just a strip of purple felt) symbolizing the authority to forgive sins int he Sacrament of Penance
Station 8- Hands or feet of some kind, symbolizing that Thomas wanted to see Jesus' hands, feet, and side
Station 9- A Jesus fish twisted from pipe cleaners, symbolizing the disciples meeting Jesus on the shore of the Tiberius
 Station 10- A rock, symbolizing Jesus giving primacy to Peter
Station 11- A large cat's eye marble, which looks kind of like the world from space, symbolizing the disciples being sent out into the world
Station 12- A cotton ball, symbolizing Jesus being taken up by a cloud into heaven
Station 13-  A finger rosary, symbolizing waiting with Mary

Station 14- A candle, symbolizing the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  I used a battery operated tea light and wrote "Come Holy Spirit" around the outside.

There you have it! Fourteen objects telling the story of the fifty days after Easter.
 Place them all in an egg carton, and you have a student-centered teaching tool.

Click here for the printable egg carton label:
And click here for the list of Stations, objects, and Scripture verses:
You can use this as a list to guide your discussions, could cut them in strips and roll them into eggs with the objects, etc.


  1. Love this ! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks so much for this!

  3. I just realized I haven’t done these for YEARS with my preK/K summer VBS kids! Adding to this year’s list!! Do you remember where you got the finger rosaries? My 9yo has one and I love it but I can’t find them online.

    1. I've found them in a few places at a reasonable price, depending on how many you need. Here are a couple of bulk listings:

  4. Oops, this is Lenetta, i made your stained glass advent candles this year. 🥰
