
Friday, July 22, 2016

Free ebook for you! {Print. Cut. Pray. Prayer Card Collection}

***2022 Update- The Prayer Card Collection is still available, but it is updated and better than ever! If you are a current email subscriber, you should have a link to the 2nd edition at the bottom of each monthly newsletter. If you would like to be a subscriber and receive the free ebook, just add your email to the navy subscription box on the right. (If you are viewing the blog on a mobile device, you may need to scroll to the bottom, click "View Web Version," and then you'll be able to see the sidebar where the subscription box is located.)

You guys, I am so excited. (!)

I have been working hard collecting, refining, and editing the prayer cards I've been using in my classroom and compiled them together into a 90 page ebook! The book has all of the prayer cards in one organized place, and includes some new additions and revisions to make them even better.

I love to use these prayer cards with my students for many reasons: (and I think that they would work great for you personally, for your kids at home, in a youth group or Bible study, etc. as well)
-they are a uniform size which makes for easy printing, cutting, or storing
-they help aid students to memorize new prayers and review prayers they have formerly learned
-they can create a great resource for private prayer time or adoration
-there are both prayer cards and mini books in the ebook- including Bible studies, devotions, and liturgical celebrations
-each prayer card/mini book features original illustrations that can be fun to color, make the prayers more memorable, and easier to locate in a collection
-as a teacher, even I am excited that they are now all organized in one place so that I can pull out the book and print exactly what I need

If you are curious about what is included, here's the table of contents:

If you would like to get yourself a copy of this ebook, I am offering it as a thank you to my email subscribers!

If you are already subscriber, you should have received an email with the link to the ebook yesterday.  If you are not a subscriber, you can sign up today in the subscribe form just over in the right column of the blog.

(Sorry, the embedded form wasn't working for everyone, so I removed it. You can send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) if you still have trouble.)

(Another suggestion- if you are viewing this post on a mobile device, scroll down to the bottom of the page.  There is an option to "view web version."  Click on this and you will be able to see the subscriber button on the right side of the post.)

Make sure to verify the email that you receive from Feedburner, and the ebook is all yours!

(P.S. I'll never spam you.  By subscribing, you'll just receive my new posts straight to your inbox.)

Let me know what you think! I hope that the ebook is a handy resource in your home or classroom!


  1. Hi, Katie.
    I would love to get your e-book but when I put in my e-mail, I kept getting an error message. Can you send it to me in a separate link? Thank you, Laura.

    1. Absolutely! Can you send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) and I'll send it right to you! :)

  2. This is a FANTASTIC resource! You are so generous to offer this as a gift to your email subscribers. THANK YOU!!! I can't wait to begin using it with my students this coming school year. I've used (and will continue to use) so many of your resources in the past and my students always enjoy them. A particular favorite of last year's students were all your _____________ Looks Like collage posters. We kept each one in our interactive Religion notebooks and used them as handy references. Again, thank you for your generosity in sharing so many wonderful resources.


    1. You're so welcome, Angela! The liturgical "looks like" pages are some of my favorites. I hope that your students love these too!

  3. I've tried to sign up a few times, but I keep getting error messages. Can you help with that? My email address is branditejeda at This looks so great!!

    1. Hi Brandi! I signed you up! Look for a verification email and you'll get the link. Sorry for the trouble!

  4. Hi, Katie.
    I've sent you my e-mail as you requested. I hope you received it. Can you please send me the link? - Laura

    1. Hi Laura! Sorry about the delay, I just got your email. I sent you a verification that will have the ebook link in it. Let me know if you are able to access it!

  5. Hi, Katie - this is fantastic - thank you so much!! I can quite get the email sign-up to work, though.

    1. Sorry Heather! The in-post link wasn't working in all browsers apparently. :( I sent you a verification that will have the ebook link in it. Let me know if you have more trouble.

  6. Hi Katie, I am unable to sign up for your emails. Has something to do with feedburner I believe. would you be able to add me manually? My email address is: Thank you!

    p.s. I love your site. I discovered you this past school year as I was looking for Lenten resources. My son is 11 and has Down Syndrome and enrolled in an adapted Faith Formation program in our parish. I have been camping on your site for all the wonderful information you share here to supplement the program we are using. You are so wonderful and talented and generous! I really appreciate all that you share with us!

    1. Michelle, I'm so sorry that you had trouble. I sent you a verification that will have the ebook link in it. Please let me know that you receive it.

      And thank you so much for your kind words! I am so so glad to have been able to be a resource for you and your son. What a blessing that I can be able to share in his formation in that small way. :)

  7. Hi Katie, thank you for this wonderful resource, however I'm having trouble signing up my email. in any case my email is God bless you!

    1. I'm so sorry for the trouble, Emely! I sent you a verification that will have the ebook link in it. Please let me know that you are able to receive it.

  8. Hi Katie,
    What a wonderful and inspiring idea.
    Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents.
    I would be so grateful to receive a copy to share with youth in my youth ministry programs.
    Blessings and Joy with you.
    Thank you

  9. Hi Katie,
    What a wonderful and inspiring idea.
    Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents.
    I would be so grateful to receive a copy to share with youth in my youth ministry programs.
    Blessings and Joy with you.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Heather!
      I used your email to add you to the subscription list. You should get a verification email and the ebook link. Hope you enjoy!

  10. Hi Katie,

    I absolutely love your posts and I am already a subscriber, but somehow I did not get the link to this lovely resource. You are so generous to share your ideas! Is there anyway I can get the link. If I try to sign up for the e-mails it say I am already a subscriber.
    Thank you and God Bless,

    1. Hi Stacy! Send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) and I'll send you the link right away!

  11. Katie, thanks so much!!! You are incredible! What grades do you recommend the contents of this ebook for?
    God bless you for all you do!
    Sunita Kottoor

    1. Hi Sunita! I designed the cards for my 5th graders, but the ages you could use them for is totally varied. Basic prayers like the Our Father are included, but so are more complex memorized prayers and litanies. Some of the cards could be used with kids much much younger, but they also could be used with adults who want to learn more prayers (or color in the pictures) :).

  12. Thank you so much for this, Katie! I love your resources and use them quite a bit in my high school classroom! I just up the content level for them. Thank you for all that you do and sharing so many free resources with with us. I'd be lost without you!

    1. So sweet! Thank you, Katie! :) I love that you have found ways to beef up the content and still use the resources here. That's always been my philosophy too!

  13. Katie, can you e-mail me a copy at, thank you

  14. What a wonderful resource, thank you Katie! I was recommending your blog to one of the School Sisters of Christ the King, they teach summer school at our parish every year and I teach the preK and Kinder kids. She already knew about it! I can't remember the connection, if she knows your sister or you know her sister ... Anyway, it was fun. :)

    1. That's so awesome! Was it Sr. Marie Noel? Her sister was one of my college roommates! What a small world!

  15. Discovered your blog through Facebook friends tonight and am happy to be a subscriber! Thank you for these resources!

  16. Thank you for sharing your gifts! You are truly a blessing and so so so amazing!

  17. I'm having a hard time subscribing to my new email address as well. It says I have signed up but never get the email to verify.

  18. I have enjoyed using your work for a while now. This is the wedding cake of all cakes! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. I could not draw or even write what I had in my head, but you gave me most of what I wanted. Thank you again

  19. It indicates I've signed up but I never received a confirmation email. I'm teaching 5th grade CCD classes and hoping to get the prayer cards. Please send me way if you could please.

  20. These are amazing! Beautiful artwork yet clean and easy to read! I am going to have them notebook this year and some of the prayers are going in there and also on a ring to take home!Thank you for your hard work!!!!

    1. I'm so glad you like it. Thanks so much!

    2. Also, love the idea of the ring of prayer cards!

  21. Even though I am a subscriber I don't have the Prayer Book Collection ebook that you offered subscribers. How can I get a copy? Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi Fran! Send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll get that taken care of!

  22. Hi Katie,
    I'm so very late opening emails. I have this in my work email and I have tons of it. Will you please send me the link to the prayer card collection. This year I have kids in CCD that have already received their sacraments. I am teaching them about everything that is inside the church and at the altar (by name). This way they can be good and knowledgeable altar servers so knowing all of these prayers that they probably don't hear often will be very helpful. And I want to thank you for all that you do to spread our BEAUTIFUL faith...

    1. Thanks, Ana! If you could send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com I'll get you all set up!

  23. Like so many others, I may have received the link to these e0books, but have no idea where or when, or even if I downloaded them. Please send me the link now; I am helping a young mother who homeschools her girls, and would love to have these to share with her.

    1. Hi Mary, if you could send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com I'll be happy to help.

  24. Hi Katie,

    I have been following your blog for a few years now. I love it. I share it with the whole faculty of St. Gabriel in Louisville, KY. Could you share the link to the ebook for The Prayer Card Collection. We will certainly pray for your ministry.


  25. My email is :-)

    1. Hi Martha! Thanks so much for sharing! I entered your email into the subscription service. You'll receive an email that you'll have to click on a link to verify. If you don't see it, check your spam/junk.Let me know if you have any trouble!

    2. Actually, I see that you are already verified. I'll send you a link with the prayer card collection again. Thanks!

  26. Hi Katie! I am teaching first grade this year, and I already subscribe, so it won't let me have access to this particular printable. Would you mind helping me out? Thanks so much for your wonderful resources! They are a treasure!

    1. Hi Jennifer, sorry I missed this! Just sent you an email.

  27. Hi Katie
    I so enjoyed both classes you taught at the Atlanta Catechist Conference earlier this month. I am new to blogging so i did want to get a copy of the printable materials you referenced in your classes. i clicked on the prayer card and submitted my email but not sure where to go now to get those so I can use for my sacramental prep (confession and first holy communion classes this fall) can you guide me?

    1. Hi Pam! Sorry I missed this! If you signed up, the link to the ebook would be in your subscription verification. It might have gone to your spam folder. If you didn't receive it, email me at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com with your preferred email and I'll set it up.

  28. Hi katie

    Im fairly new at this and was wondering if you could send me the e-book. Im not sure where i need to go and subscribe. The website doesnt show me where. My email address is

    1. Just sent you an email- check your spam folder if you don't see it!

  29. Hi Katie,
    I just want to say I am a new DRE and a Catholic youth camp director and I absolutely LOVE your stuff! I have used your materials several times and they have not only blessed the kids' lives but mine as well. It inspires me to grow in my own faith. Blessings to you in your work and ministry!

  30. This is wonderful and such a loving gift. Thank you! I have not received via my email and it does not appear to be in my junk mail either. May I humbly request a re-send to my email when time allows my dear? No rush..let us all join in praying our rosary in honor of Our Lady of Fatima and also our newest saint. St. John Henry Newman, pray for us.

  31. Hello Katie, my email address is Thank you so much!

    1. Just sent you the subscription request- you'll have to verify and the link to the ebook is further down in the email!

  32. Katie,
    Can you please resend the email with ebook link on prayers. I did not receive it. Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Christie, I'd be happy to help. Can you please let me know what email you are subscribed under, or the new email you want to use?
      You are also welcome to contact me directly at looktohimandberadiant (a) gmail (dot) com and I'll help set you up. Sorry, I don't always get notified of comments from the blog, so email is faster!

  33. I would like this. How can U get it?


    1. I am in the middle of updating subscription services, so an updated version should be available in September. Feel free to email me at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send this one to you!

  34. How can I get this please?

    1. Add your email to the navy subscription box on the right! (If you are viewing the blog on a mobile device, you may need to scroll to the bottom, click "View Web Version," and then you'll be able to see the sidebar where the subscription box is located.)

  35. could you email me a copy at this is awesome:)

    1. The Prayer Card ebook is a free gift for my email subscribers. I just manually added you to the list. You should receive a verification email titled "Yay! You're on the list!" and you will need to confirm the subscription by clicking the "click here to subscribe" button. A verification message will pop up with the link to the ebook. You'll want to bookmark that or download it.
      I'll also include the link to the prayer cards at the bottom of all the newsletters you'll receive each month.
      If you don't see the initial email, check your spam or promotions folder. Let me know if you have any questions!

  36. Hello I signed up to receive your newsletter. Can you please send me your e-book link for your book of prayers? Thank you! and God Bless

    1. Hi there! I'd love to help, but I need an email to contact you at so I can get you a copy of the prayer cards. Can you please send me an email at hello (at) looktohimandberadiant (dot) com? Thanks!

  37. Would love to get your email book and newsletter, my email is

    1. Just sent you the subscription request- you'll have to verify and the link to the ebook is further down in the email!
