
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Mass Reflection Sheet Graphic Organizer

You all responded so enthusiastically to the Lectio Divina Graphic Organizer I posted last week, so it encouraged me to update or create some of the other graphic organizers I've been meaning to share.  Here's a new one to aid kids with paying attention and reflecting on the Mass.

This graphic organizer is general and can be used for any Sunday or weekday Mass.  I also kept the info boxes vague, so they could be used for a variety of types reflections for kids of different ages/interests/abilities.

A few ideas for how you could use these pages with your children or students:
-Use to prepare before Mass.  Read the Scripture readings and write about each, preparing to later hear them at Mass.
-Plan a personal intention to offer that Mass for
-Bring a copy to Mass (could have several blank copies in a binder, 3-prong folder, or clipboard) and take notes during Mass
-Use as a post Mass reflection.  After attending Mass, reread the Scripture readings, taking notes about what stood out.  Jot down a few things from the homily, and come up with an action item for the week.

***Just a note after some feedback about this tool- you have to know your kids/students and what resources will be a help and what will be a hindrance.  Some kids need the prep before Mass, some can do the follow up after.  I think that using a Mass journal when the kids are with their families on Sundays could be a great option (I know I love my Every Sacred Sunday Journal!).  But I also understand how we'd never want to remove the reverence from the Mass and attention to the beauty of the liturgy.  This is not meant to be treated like an assignment that is completed during the Mass.  You have to decide how you encourage rapt attention during and application after attending a weekday or Sunday Mass- and it is our privilege and responsibility as parents/teachers to determine the best way to do this.***

 A few ideas for things to write in the boxes for the readings:
(You could start by requiring students follow one way of recording thoughts, then introduce another option, and eventually let them choose what fits them and the particular Mass best)
-Write a favorite verse from the reading
-Create a summary of the reading
-List questions you still have about the reading
-Describe what this reading helps you understand about God
-Write a connecting topic you want to research
-Jot down any words or ideas you still want help understanding
-Connect the reading to your own life
-Name something different you will do this week because of this reading
-Draw a picture of what happened in the reading
-Summarize the message of the reading in one phrase
-Reflect on what theme connects all of the readings

I'm sure you'll think of lots of ways this graphic organizer could be useful in your classroom or home!

Click here to download the pdf of the Mass Reflection Page:
(If you have a specific idea or wording that you think would work better for your students, email me at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send you an editable version!
P.S. I offered my Mass this morning for Look to Him and Be Radiant readers, their students, and their families.  Then, we got to the Communion Antiphon, and guess what it was... "Look toward the Lord and be radiant!" God is good, and be assured of my prayers for you!


  1. You are an awesome disciple of God! Thank you Katie

  2. Thank you so much! I am looking for a Daily Mass (order of the Mass) booklet or sheet that I can bring for my 1st graders to follow along with the Mass. Do you have any ideas?

    1. Hi Nicole! Are you looking for a page that has all the readings on it for a specific daily Mass? If that is the case, I don’t know of one that is currently being printed. There was one made for kids/schools, but just this year they decided to not publish them.
      If you are just looking for the order of the Mass for any daily Mass, I don’t know if I’ve seen a card that differs from a Sunday Mass card. Maybe you can borrow a missalette and make your own simple one page outline that would work for your students?

    2. I know this was posted a few years ago, but have you looking into Magnifikid? I believe they have the order of Mass alongside readings, reflections, and a saint story for each Sunday.

    3. Thanks, Katie! Yes, the MagnifiKid is great, both for homes and classrooms- I know some religious ed programs use it like a textbook for each Sunday. I've had lots of questions about a similar resource for Daily Masses, but the couple that I've used before are no longer in print. Maybe someday!

  3. So last year we used the daily readings from the USCCB website, but really we're looking for one that has the daily readings embedded in with the order of the Mass. (Just like the Sunday missalette, but for daily Mass) I think I found something online for the students, but I'd need to re-type it so it included the daily readings. Just checking to see if you knew of anything before I created something! :) Thanks so much.

  4. Thank you so much, this is such a wonderful idea!
