
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Few Fun Announcements!

So, I don't usually have posts like this... actually I don't think that I've ever done a post like this! I value your time (and space in your inbox) so usually my posts are packed with as much content, lessons, printables, and recommendation as I can give you. But I've got a few things I've been meaning to tell my loyal blog readers and I just didn't want to miss the chance! (I'm way better at sharing things in a timely way on Instagram- I'd love for you to join me there too!) I promise I'll get back to regular posts after this, but here are three quick announcements in growing order of excitement! ;)

1. I'm restocking my Etsy Shop with rubber stamps Thursday! They'll be posted at 9 a.m. CST and typically sell out pretty quickly. All of the stamps in the photo below will be back in the shop and I'll ship right away this weekend. The stamps are great for personal use like Bible journaling, planners, cards, etc. and also are super fun to use in the classroom.

2. I know we've all had some disappointing cancellations this year, but it also has been fun to see the creativity and ingenuity of groups like Virtual Catholic Conference at work to bring people together. I'm super excited and honored to be presenting two workshops for the Atlanta Catechist Conference next weekend. I've loved traveling to Georgia the past few years and am sad to miss the in person interaction, but it is pretty cool that the conference is open to ANYONE for FREE!
You can register here and view any of the talks from August 20-22nd and then I'll be in a live Q&A booth from 11:00-11:30 and 1:10-1:40 EST Saturday 8/22. My talks are on Choosing and Using Good Catholic Books and Object Lessons In the Classroom; Teaching with the Parables. (You can access the resources at those links, but video presentations will only be available as part of the conference.) You can register here (remember it's free and on demand- you can watch as little or as much as you want!). I'd really love to see some of you in the Q&A booth- come say hello and we can chat!

3. And finally... I'm so excited to finally share with you that I am having my first book published! Coming out from Emmaus Road Publishing of the St. Paul Center, the book is a collection of weekly Gospel stories organized to match the Liturgical Year. Intended to be a tool to promote conversation about the Life of Christ between kids and their parents/teachers, the book contains a Gospel text, Lectio Divina prompts, questions to start everyone talking, connections to Saints, sacred art, and more. I can't wait to be able to share more with you, like the title and when we can expect it be ready to preorder. The best way to not miss the details is to subscribe to my blog (button over to your right when viewing the blog on a computer) or give me a follow on Instagram. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over the years- my blog readers are a big reason why and how this book has come to life!


  1. That is exciting news! Thanks for letting us in! I signed up for the conference, so I really looking forward to that. Also, congratulations on your first book! I can't wait to get my hands on it!! Thank you for all that you do to make evangelization more meaningful for my students!

    1. I second this comment! :) God bless!

  2. Lots of great new Katie & appreciation for all you do. Your new stamps are beautiful. And congratulations on your book!

  3. How exciting for you! And us!! Thank you for sharing your talents and resources. God Bless!

  4. AMAZING! I can’t wait to preorder. Congratulations.

  5. So very exciting, Katie! Looking forward to ordering your book! 😊

  6. I can't wait to order that book!!

  7. Congratulations, Katie! Eagerly awaiting your publication.... it surely will be a blessing!

  8. Congratulations! Can't wait to pre-order your book.

  9. Congratulations! I can't wait to get the book, stamps and see you at your conference! You are an inspiration and blessing!

  10. Thank you for all of your energy! I look forward to the stamps and congratulations on your book!

  11. So excited that you will be publishing your first book! You are an inspiration and I can wait to read it!

  12. What wonderful news! I have already signed up for the conference and have forwarded the information to my DRE. I can't wait for your first book to come out. Congratulations, Katie! - Laura G.

  13. WOW! Your book sounds awesome-- perfect for classroom or home use. Congratulations, and thanks for using your gifts to inspire others in the faith. <3

  14. Congratulations on your book! Can’t wait to purchase it once it becomes available! Signed up for the conference 😊 Thank you for sharing your God-given talents and gifts with us!

  15. Katie! Eeekkk this is all so exciting! So many happy, wonderful things going on for you in your life! :)

  16. I'm so grateful that they opened the Atlanta Catechist conference to those of us from outside the Archdiocese, it was excellent. I watched your Parable session and it was awesome to see and hear you...after following and loving this blog for years. Congratulations on your book!

  17. The Atlanta Conference presentations were so good! I was able to watch both of your talks on the Parables and on Choosing Good Catholic Books. Thank you for letting us know that it was going to take place otherwise I wouldn't have known about it. - Laura G.
