
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Preorder Bonuses for "Through the Year with Jesus"!

***UPDATE 2/7/21- Since the book is now available, I'm "closing" the preorder bonuses and have contacted the winner of the free workshop. However, you can access the free printables as tools to use alongside the book here!

Ok, you all are blowing me away with support for my new book! Thank you so much for all of your kind messages and encouragement. In case you missed it, Through the Year with Jesus: Gospel Readings and Reflections for Children will be out soon and is available to order at the St. Paul Center and on Amazon. You can read more details about the content and see a few endorsements here. If you've  already ordered and want to skip ahead, you can fill out the Preorder Bonus Form here. ;)

If you know much about new books, you know that preorders really matter, especially for a new author. And this year where normal speaking gigs and conferences and workshops are still unlikely, your early support is such a powerful way to help see this book shared. As a thank you, I've been creating a set of special preorder bonuses for you to use alongside the book or just throughout the Liturgical Year in your home or classroom. They are pretty open ended and I am already thinking of ways I'd like to use them myself! The printables are all available as pdfs in a Google Drive folder, so they are easy to access, download and print however you like. A preview of those resources can be seen below.

And as a special bonus, I'll also be randomly picking one person who preorders to win a free virtual talk or workshop with me! We've all gotten more used to doing things virtually, so why not take advantage of that and let me speak to your teachers, catechists, Bible study, or moms' group. We'll work together to choose a good time and the right topic for your group.  (***Update- for entries to be considered for the free workshop giveaway, they must be entered by 2/6/21!)

The rest of the preorder bonuses are available for everyone!
Some of the items included in the Preorder Bonus Printables Folder include:
-Liturgical Season Planning Pages
-Journaling pages to support praying with Scripture (for both older and younger kids)
-Liturgical Year Journal "cover" in three color choices
-Liturgical Year Journal tabs
-Jesus & the Children Coloring Page
-Jesus & the Children Watercolor
-Lectio Divina prayer guides (small cards and full page)
-Liturgical Wheel watercolor

I love how these Liturgical Season Planning Pages turned out.  I think they could help you anchor each Season with a printable to set up ways you plan to pray, serve, sacrifice, and celebrate, as well as lists of prayer intentions and inspirational quotes. Perfect to hang on the fridge or with your calendar or to add to a journal, and could be completed individually by kids or together as a family.

This Liturgical Wheel Watercolor printable is something great to hang up or add to a journal:

These journal printables are super flexible and could help you and/or your kids set up a journal following the Liturgical Year themes. Pretty "endpaper" cover options, tabs for the seasons, and journaling pages for both older and younger kids are included. I also added a Google Slides version for those of you that might want to use it digitally with a classroom:

This coloring page is from my sketch that was used as inspiration for the book cover:

And here's a little watercolor version too:

If you have preordered, you can fill out the form hereAccess to the printables will be shared in the Confirmation message, so don't miss that link! If someone preordered for you as a gift, you are welcome to still fill this out, or if you ordered multiple copies to give to others, you can share the printables with them. I appreciate your honesty as this seems to be the simplest way to manage getting you the bonuses asap and still allow me to attend to real life. ;) Again, thank you for your support and excitement for the book! I can't wait to see it at work in your homes and classrooms! (***Update- for entries to be considered for the free workshop giveaway, they must be entered by 2/6/21!)


  1. So excited for the book, I only wish it would get here sooner. I filled out the pre-order form but the google docs had an error that said "google docs failed to open."

    1. Thank you for your excitement, and I wish it would be here sooner too! ;)
      I'm so sorry about that- it's been working so far, but we can get the resource to you, no worries! Can you send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll give you the link there? Thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations on your new book! I was able to order easily through Amazon - Can't wait to incorporate this into our liturgical living.

    1. Hi Tracy! Sorry about the trouble with the St. Paul Center website- I heard that from a few people tonight. Hopefully it was just a glitch that will be quickly remedied. Thank you for ordering, and I hope the book is a blessing to you!
