Through the upcoming celebration of All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, we remember the close connection of the entire Mystical Body of Christ. On All Saints Day, we celebrate all the holy men and women who have gone before us, now gathered before the throne of God praying for us. All Souls Day then invites us to pray for those who have died, completing the connection between the Church Militant, Church Triumphant, and Church Suffering. These special days are so valuable to share with kids, and I have some activities to help!
All About Relics Activity Book
First up, a couple of new resources that I created in cooperation with the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Shrine in New York. These two activity books are only available on their website, but are totally free for you to download and use! Both designed at a middle school level, they aim to help kids understand the important connection we have with the Saints.
Kids are typically fascinated by relics. Why do we have them? Is this just a weird Catholic tradition? Can they be found in the Bible? Discover all that and more in this All About Relics Activity Book: (Once at the site, click on the "download pdf" button in the gray bar at the bottom of the viewer.)
Q & A: Saints Activity Book
Why do we ask the Saints to pray for us? How can they hear us if they are dead? What's the difference between worship and veneration? All this and more is included in the Saint Activity Book. You can see a couple of sample pages below:
All Saints Day Pennants 
I originally made these Saint pennants for my students celebrating their Confirmation Saints, but then saved and tweaked the files, and printed them 1/4 the size to make the little mini Saint pennant banner pictured above. The collection has 50 pennants and there is more info below about how to make your own if a favorite Saint isn't included.
Click here for the full size pennants (2 per page),
Click here for the medium size (4 per page),
And click here for the minis (8 per page):
If you would like a banner for a Saint you don't see, or would like to change colors, etc., I've also got this editable version:
And also black and white coloring pages:
If you are looking for some other resources for this weekend or going into the month of November, here are a few suggestions:
Catholic Connections to All Hallows Eve:
Saintly Friends Bingo:
This Saint scavenger hunt is fun for all, but great research for kids preparing to choose their Confirmation Saint. It has lots of tasks for discovering Saints they have things in common with (name, birthday, interests) as well as getting to know "random" Saints. There are tons of links to sources to help with the search for different topics. My students really like this one! I have a similar version on paper here.
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