
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Favorite Books for Catholic Kids (Giant Growing List!)

I've been sharing about Catholic books since the very beginning of this blog, and have been working hard over the past several years to collect and curate lists of great Catholic books for children. Those lists keep growing, and I'm doing my best to keep them updated and organized for you! This is the most complete "master list" on my blog, but you might prefer the shorter lists organized by topic or by month. You can find those linked below, or on this book list page

A few notes:
-Some of these books I've inherited, a lot I have purchased, and some were sent to me by the author/publisher, but all of them are books I have used/gifted/recommended in my classroom or as a DRE. I'm only sharing with you what I like and use.
-This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. That means that if you click through and purchase something, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. I'd also love to encourage you to shop directly with the publisher or with your local bookshop!
-By recommending these books, I am not saying they are perfect.  Their quality is somewhat dependent on the age and interests of the kids reading them as well as the support and background knowledge they have.  As always, you should preview and make the decision as to what is best for your kids or classroom (possibly thinking about some of the qualities I talk about in this post).
-Obviously there are tons of books that you could find Catholic themes within (virtue, symbolism, etc.) but these are books with explicit Catholic content and I've sorted them into a "genres" below.
-These lists are roughly organized from youngest interest level to oldest.  They are also far from complete and I invite you to chime in with your favorites in the comments.  Feel free to book mark this post as I will come back and continue to add to it!
-As this list grows, it can be hard to find things! I use this list and the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F (or Command + F on a Mac) to search on the page all the time! You can do the same with a key word to help you find a certain topic or Saint.

The Bible
Overall Scripture:

Old Testament:

New Testament:
Through the Year with Jesus- Bogner, Katherine
The Gospel for Little Ones- Roche, Maite
Jesus, Savior of the World, Marlyn Evangelina Monge
by Geert de Sutter 

The Holy Spirit
Pentecost and the work of the Holy Spirit in the Early Church:

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Tomie de Paola
Compendium of Marian Devotions- Fr. Ed Broom

Saints (Individual)
(Organized alphabetically, not by age) (Blog post here)


(St. Charles Lwanga and Companions) The Saint Chronicles Collection 3



(Elizabeth Ann Seton) The Saint Chronicles Collection 1

(Elizabeth of Hungary) Roses in the Snow- Jackson, Dessi



(Ignatius of Loyola) The Saint Chronicles Collection 5


(St. Jerome Emiliani) The Saint Chronicles Collection 1
















Saints (Collection)
(Organized from youngest readers to oldest)
Cloud of Witnesses- Warner, Katie
Picture Book of Saints- Lovasik, Fr. (and others in series)

Memorized Prayers:

How to Pray and Types of Prayer:

Journals and Devotionals:
Be Yourself! Journal for Catholic Girls, Amy Brooks
Family and Communal Prayer:

The O Antiphons
The First Christmas
Christmas Fiction



Stations of the Cross Books For Kids- Post with twelve options and lots of detail!
Walking with Jesus to Calvary: Stations of the Cross for Children- Burrin, Angela
The Stations of the Cross for Children Written by Jerry Windley-Daoust and illustrated by Vicki Shuck
15-Minute Stations of the Cross For Kids Written by Jared Dees and illustrated by Ezekiel Saucedo
The Way of the Cross Written by Juliette Levivier and illustrated by Anne Gravier
Stations of the Cross For Kids by Regina Doman, illustrated by Chris Lewis


Chosen! Jenna Guizar
The Sacraments in Action (Includes Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation)

The Sacraments in Action (Includes Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation)

The Sacraments in Action (Includes Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation)


Anointing of the Sick:

Holy Orders:


Church Teachings/Q&A
Kiddie Cat- Warner, Katie

(Out of print- watch for used copies) Where Do Deacons Come From?- Elizabeth Ficocelli
(Out of print- watch for used copies) Where Do Priests Come From?- Elizabeth Ficocelli
(Out of print- watch for used copies) Where Do Sisters Come From?- Elizabeth Ficocelli

Pro-Life/Human Dignity

Activity Books

Short Stories/Picture Books
Before Austen Comes Aesop: The Children's Great Books and How to Experience Them- Blomquist, Cheri (great guide for discerning reading the great books with your children)
Novels/Chapter Books
The Phantom of the Colosseum, Sophie de Mullenheim

What are some of your favorite Catholic books for kids? Feel free to add them in comments or reply with an email!

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