
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lent Youth Group Lessons, Links, and Videos

Prepping my Youth Group kids and 5th grade students for the coming of Lent involved this little foldable:
We talked about sacrifice and why they Church asks us to pray, fast, and give during the season of Lent.  Discussion led us to remember that it is worthy to make a sacrifice and offer it to Christ in connection with the ultimate Sacrifice He made for us.  It is also good to sacrifice because by removing something from our lives, it creates a hole that Christ can then fill.  Each student was challenged to make a promise to both "Give Up" and "Take Up" something this Lent.
The back of the pocket-sized foldable also has the verse from Scripture as a reminder: "Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.'" ~Matthew 16:24

Click here for the printable: (four foldables per page)

Also in my prep this week, I wrangled together some of my favorite/recommended resources, and wanted to share them with you here.  They would be useful for ages varying from Middle School- Adult.  At the bottom of the page is a downloadable pdf with a collection of all of these links so that they can be easily accessed and shared in one place.

Here are some favorite videos:

Some good studies/emails/etc.
  • Best Lent Ever: free videos from Matthew Kelly sent to your inbox
  • Word on Fire:Lent CDs, Books, DVDs from Fr. Robert Barron:
  • The Way: Video series from Real Life Catholic- Chris Stefanick
  • Lentsanity: App, all kinds of Social Media, articles, etc., all from FOCUS
  • #ShareJesus: Videos meant to be shared as evangelization tools this Lent
  • Blessed is She: Not just a study for Lent, but reflections are based on the daily Mass readings specifically for women
Still stumped about what to do this Lent?

Here is a nothing-special document that can be easily shared for ideas on Lent resources:


  1. Thank you for the good work you do!!

  2. love this, going to use it with my youth group today!

  3. Hi Katie, is the Dynamic Catholic Best Lent Ever series ok to use with 5th grade?

    1. Hmmm, the audience is definitely for adults, but I would also work for teens- I don't think that it would be inappropriate of 5th graders, but might not be relateable? Maybe just watch the videos before viewing with your students to make sure that they fit the needs of your students? As for what I would recommend for 5th graders, I use all four of the embedded videos above with my own students. Hope that helps!

  4. As so often happens, you are my last-minute saviour! A hectic week meant no planning or prepping until the night before, and suddenly it was so easy! Thank you so much!

  5. Amazing, as always! Thank you for your work, this year I need this with my class!!! Happy Lent, may God bless you and grant you his peace.
