
Monday, February 23, 2015

The Sound of Lent

Blessed in the wisdom of the Church, the Liturgical Seasons set the soundtrack for our days in both tone and content.  I have found it ever so helpful to compile literal itunes playlists for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.  Those songs have made me think about my music choices throughout different times of the year and how they can effect my prayer and direct my heart.  I thought I'd pull together a few of my favorite Lent musings for you here.  Unless you have made a Lenten promise about silence :) give this playlist a try:


  1. So this playlist is fabulous and I've been listening to it a bunch. Do you care if I share it on my blog?

    1. Share away! :) Glad you like it.

    2. Absolutely perfect! Sharing 1 per week or so with with my dear jr. hi 'saints in the making' on Google Classroom...The prep and intentional time you give for the sake of evangelization is appreciated. Thank you so very much my dear...After Mass, heading to the craft store for decor goodies as seen on your site. Again, Thanks be to God for the work we do in our homes and classroom. AMDG!

  2. Katie Anne thanks so much for all your work here! I am an RE teacher in NZ and I also help with children's liturgy in my parish. Your resources are amazing! I am adapting many for use with older students. You are a blessing.

    1. I'm so glad that they have been helpful! May you have a blessed Lent!

  3. I love your playlist! Katie Anne thank you so much for all the resources you provide.

  4. Can I have the names of the songs?

    Thank you.

  5. Thank you! These activities are wonderful! I have also used Raymond Arroyo's new books for kids to go along with some of these.
