Sunday, October 29, 2023

Eucharistic Witnesses: Ven. Augustus Tolton

I'm honored to be contributing to the Heart of the Revival, the newsletter and blog for the National Eucharistic Revival. I've written several articles and created activities for kids (like this Eucharistic ProcessionMass Offering CardsPilgrimage PassportPope Benedict XVI quotesArt for Holy Week, and Bl. Carlo Acutis Activities). 

I've also been helping with a monthly series called American Eucharistic Witnesses. This collection highlights Americans whose lives have been changed by the gift of the Eucharistic. With a different expert author each month and an original woodcut print by the talented Connor Miller, I've been tasked with creating a version of this series for children. Each booklet contains a shorter bio and the art print on the front and back, and inside has some activities like a quote to color, a timeline to put in order, reflection questions, and short comprehension questions to answer. One booklet is for older children (I'd recommend 5th-8th grade) and another for younger children (I'd recommend 2nd-4th grade). The collection matches in structure and we'll finish the series with a final project to pull all the booklets together. 

Read the original article about Venerable Augustus Tolton here, and find the kids' activities below. (including in Spanish!)

Venerable Augustus Tolton Biography Activity for Older Kids in English

Venerable Augustus Tolton Biography Activity for Younger Kids in English


  1. The Link for Ven. Augustus Tolton activity for Younger Kids in Spanish is not working. Thank you so much for having activities in Spanish.

  2. Hi! For some reason for the younger kids link, they are both coming up as only Spanish , there doesn't seem to be an English file. This looks like such a great activity!

  3. Sorry about that! If you see the comment above, we had the opposite problem a couple weeks ago- but I think I have it all fixed now!
