With the resources in this post, I hope to share some kid and family-friendly tools to help you plan a pilgrimage, especially one in connection to the Eucharist. The bucket list and pilgrimage passport would make perfect summer activities especially in June around the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, or in July, the Month of the Precious Blood!
What is a Pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is a trip made for a religious purpose to a holy site. Pilgrimages help us remember that our whole life is a journey toward our eternal home in Heaven. On this journey we are strengthened through prayer and the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist– our food for this earthly pilgrimage.
Christians might go on pilgrimage to pray for a specific intention, to do penance, or to grow closer to God. Pilgrimages always include prayer and some sort of travel, especially walking. They also are often characterized by praying for a specific intention (like for healing or discernment), making a sacrifice, and receiving the Sacraments through Mass and Confession.
You Can Go on a Pilgrimage!
A pilgrimage could take you around the world or could be right in your own backyard. Someday you might plan a trip to Jerusalem, Rome, Lourdes, or Fatima, but you can still go on pilgrimage right in your own town or even your own home! A pilgrimage to your parish church, a nearby shrine, or statue in your garden is an opportunity to pray and learn to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The distance of the pilgrimage does not determine its effectiveness. Our openness to accompany the Lord can create a spirit of pilgrimage even within the walls of our home. Ultimately, every pilgrimage is a journey of the heart in which we follow the path that the Lord has given us to travel on our way to Heaven.
Click here for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage Summer Bucket List:
Click here for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage Passport:
And a postcard to make and send after your pilgrimage:
of people will walk with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament along routes leading to Indianapolis, Indiana. From the North and South, the East and the West, we all have an opportunity to share with
the world Our Lord’s desire to draw near to his people. You may not be walking on this pilgrimage, but you can learn about the historic event and unite your prayers with them from wherever you are!
And here are matching resources in Spanish!
Click here for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage Summer Bucket List in Spanish:
Click here for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage Passport in Spanish:And Stamps for the passport in Spanish:
Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey toward heaven and are traditionally very special occasions for renewal in prayer. For pilgrims seeking living water, shrines are special places for living the forms of Christian prayer "in Church." ~Catechism of the Catholic Church 2691