While prepping for a retreat for high schoolers this past fall, I wanted to make something encouraging to hang up in the chaperone hospitality room- a little message to express our thanks to the priests, youth group leaders, overnight chaperones, kitchen workers, and retreat team for the often unseen impact they have on the teens they work with.
My brainstorming led me to think about Ven. Jan Tyranowski- a man who was asked to direct his parish's youth ministry during the turbulence of WWII in Poland. With so many priests arrested and sent to concentration camps, Tyranowski took his role seriously, beginning first with his own holiness. He passed that call to holiness on to the young men of his own parish, eventually leading to five diocesan priests and six religious vocations. And one of those diocesan priests was Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope St. John Paul II.

More brainstorming led to some other awesome mentors to Saints during their youth, and it's not surprising to me that most of these mentors are either Canonized or on the path to Canonization themselves!
-St. Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin
-St. Kizito and his catechist St. Charles Lwanga
-St. Dominic Savio and his teacher St. John Bosco
-Bl. Chiara Luce Badano and her mentor Servant of God Chiara Lubich
-Ven. Augustus Tolton and his pastor Fr. Peter McGirr
Whether youth group leaders, teachers, catechists, godparents, mentors, or the parents of young people, we know that adults impact their formation in the faith and growth in virtue. The Lord can use His humble servants to share His goodness and guide their paths to Him. And we pray to be worthy of that call! I'm reusing this display as an encouragement for my coworkers during Catholic Schools Week, and you are welcome to use it yourself!
Click here for the "print ready" mini posters with photos and captions on the same page:
Click here for the mini posters with separate photos and captions if you'd like be able to cut them apart to create something like the display I made above:
Do any other young Saints and their mentors come to mind? Leave their names in the comments and I'll add to the collection!