Hi there! I'm swooping in real quick with a shorter than normal Katie Reads post (a good thing? ... or not?) with a few new titles for Catholic kids. I wanted to get this out there now because I know so many of us are doing our shopping early or online, and I wanted to make sure you saw these in time for Christmas! (and thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have been asking, but my book Through the Year with Jesus: Gospel Readings and Reflections for Children isn't quite ready for preorder yet. I hope to give you a sneak peek of my cover and preorder bonuses super soon, though!)
I also will be posting a Gift Guide in a tab above to share some of the great things that I am buying/giving this Christmas season. I'm doing my best to shop small, local, and/or Catholic as often as possible. Many of those shops are running awesome sales and/or are offering you a discount code, so I hope you go check it out!
Check out all of my Katie Reads Posts under this tab, and my growing list of Books for Catholic Kids here.
This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. That means that if you click through and purchase something, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.
I also highly encourage you to buy directly from the publisher or from your local Catholic bookstore! (Many of them are running sales this weekend too!)
+++Emmaus Road Publishing provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
^^^Tan Books provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
~~~Ave Maria Press provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
%%% Ignatius Press provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
### Author provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
~~~Advent and Christmas One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens, Katie Prejean McGrady & Tommy McGrady
~~~The Living Gospel: Daily Devotions for Advent 2020, Charles Paolino
~~~Messages of Joy for Advent and Christmas 2020, Michael White and Tom Corcoran
I most wanted to share the McGrady's book here, but I had already taken a pic of all three so you get all three in a recommendation. ;) I've used the matching Lent "One Day at a Time" book in my classroom as a daily devotional, and really like the short entries and relevant reflections for middle and high schoolers. Each of these books is super affordable (around $2 each!) so they are great for buying to share.
+++O Come, Emmanuel, Kendra Tierney
Kendra's new book on the Jesse Tree is a perfect tool to add this devotion into homes and classrooms! The text from Scripture for each day is included right in the book (so convenient!), the reflections are short but meaningful, and the closing prayer is brief and intentional. The hardcover book has thick and glossy full color pages, and each day is illustrated with a symbol that is actually part of a mosaic of baby Jesus and Mary. I love that concept, which is a perfect representation of the concept of the Jesse Tree- all the pieces of the family tree leading up to Jesus's birth. This will be a book that can be pulled out and used year after year!
(FYI, I see that this is currently out of stock on Amazon, but The St. Paul Center has copies available! If you order it now, you can always catch up the first few days if needed.)
+++Where is Jesus Hidden? Maura Roan McKeegan
New from one of my favorite Catholic children's authors, this sweet book helps little ones know that they can find Jesus everywhere they look. Sets of two pages first ask where Jesus is hidden with a full Bible verse as a hint, and then the following page highlights the "answer" in the illustration. The big concept is explained in child-friendly language, and the readers see that we can find Jesus in Scripture, our priests, the poor, the sick, and within the children themselves. I love that it includes such a big theological concept and real Scripture to show it, but at a level that a preschooler can grasp.
(AND I am super excited to announce that I recently had the opportunity to interview Maura about her new book and the work she has done as an author. Check back on Saturday for a featured interview from her and one other author, as well as a giveaway!)

###You Were Born to Be a Saint, Kortnee Senn
This book is every bit as wonderful as I hoped it would be! The illustrations are recognizable from Kortnee's signature Saint prints and posters, but they also creatively share the passions and work and gifts of the Saints. (Kortnee is the talented artist from Studio Senn, who was part of my Why Make Beautiful Things Series a couple of years ago!) The variety of page backgrounds and poses give little hints about the life of the Saint, their patronage, how they served God and His people, etc.
The collection of Saints features many favorites, but also some names that might be new to you and your kiddos! There are great little bios at the end of the book to get to know them better. This book is a good read aloud for littles, but I think the embedded details and rhyme scheme make it fun for older kids too!
(Also, I see that this book is currently sold out- Kortnee received the support she deserved, but it exceeded her expectations. Looks like books will be back in February, so you'll have to check in to see when they are in stock!)
%%% Noah and the Ark, Tomie de Paola (25% off until 11/30 at IgnatiusPress.com!)
Tomie de Paola will always be an author close to my heart- I loved his books as a child and still find them such a gift as an adult. I was so glad to see that Ignatius Press is rereleasing some of his out of print title, especially after his death earlier this year. This short picture book with Tomie's signature folk art style illustrations tells the story of Noah and the ark. The text is at a good level for early elementary kiddos. This hardback edition is a perfect way to start a new Tomie collection.
%%% Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Tomie de Paola (25% off until 11/30 at IgnatiusPress.com!)
This is an old favorite book that I have recommended many times but it is always out of stock. After Tomie de Paola's death, I stocked up on a few more of his titles, but had to do it through Thrift Books (which I love, by the way) but I want to see his work more readily available for a new generation of kids! This collection of stories, beautifully illustrated of course, tells of 15 events in Mary's life and is written at a little high grade level- maybe upper elementary- but of course can be read a loud a little at a time to younger kids. Pulling from Scripture as well as traditions surrounding Mary from her birth to her crowning as Queen of Heaven. Also published as a hardback, this is a treasure for any Catholic home or classroom.

%%% The Interior Castle: A Boy's Journey into the Riches of Prayer, Judith Bouilloc (25% off until 11/30 at IgnatiusPress.com!)
Can you name a good book on contemplative prayer for young children? After reading The Interior Castle, I now can! This short chapter book walks a young boy through the teachings of St. Teresa of Avila- with the guide of St. Teresa herself! each brief chapter (just 2-3 pages) describes the figurative "rooms" of the castle as the boy moves deeper and deeper into prayer. I found the descriptions relatable and understandable for a child and the corresponding illustrations both imaginative and filled with meaningful imagery. I would definitely take this one chapter at a time with younger kids, or let older kids read on their own and then talk about these concepts that have guided the prayer of Christians for almost 500 years.
^^^ Justice on the Acropolis, B.B. Gallagher
I'm always on the lookout for good Catholic fiction and these next two fit that bill! Justice on the Acropolis, the first in the "Virtue Adventures" series, takes the reader on a time traveling adventure back to Ancient Greece. The main character, guided by her guardian angel, finds her self sent on an mission and along the way meets Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Build into the dialogue and events, the characters demonstrate making mistakes, asking forgiveness, and choosing virtue. I think kids that like The Magic Tree House or Lisa Hendey's The Chime Travelers will enjoy this new series!
%%% The Phantom of the Colosseum, Sophie de Mullenheim
And as the first entry in what looks to be an interesting series called "The Shadows of Rome," The Phantom of the Colosseum is set about 300 years after the time of Christ when Christianity was illegal under the rule of Diocletian. This chapter book is written for middle grade readers and has interesting characters and a quick moving plot. Admittedly, I've only read the first few and last few chapters, but I like what I've read and think my students will too. To live at a time when Christianity equated danger and evangelism often led to martyrdom, I think that this will be a page turning series for kids.
There we go! Hopefully after Christmas break I'll come back with some good adult recommendations for you too. I certainly have a big enough TBR pile, but despite all this "extra" time in 2020, I don't seem to be making a dent in it. ;) Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Blessed Advent!
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