Saturday, February 1, 2025

All about Lent & Holy Week: Sharing the Seasons of Repentance and Salvation with Children

The most common question I receive about my book All about Advent is "When can I get All about Lent?!?"

Guess what? That time is now! Illustrator Shari Van Vranken and I have worked together on this duo, created as a companion set to guide you and your family through the Church year.

We are so, so proud of All about Lent & Holy Week: Sharing the Seasons of Repentance and Salvation with Children. We hope that it serves as a guide to the wonderful traditions of these Seasons, helping your family understand the overall story, participate in the liturgies, and pray together.

You can preorder All about Lent now (arriving in late February) from the St. Paul Center! (Available soon on Amazon, or we'd love for you to order through your local Catholic bookstore.)

And you know how Katie works, so you better believe that we have a whole bundle of bonus freebies for you to use alongside the book. I'll be sharing more about those in the coming weeks, and they will all be available for free here on the blog!

P.S. Interested in a discounted bulk order for your school/parish? (The St. Paul Center has great rates- 25% off for as low as 5 copies!) Or are you connected with someone who needs info on wholesale? Click here for a flier with rates and contact info!

Here's the official book description:
All about Lent & Holy Week: Sharing the Seasons of Repentance & Salvation with Children is the essential guide all Catholic families need for the holiest time of the year. Award-winning duo Katherine Bogner and Shari Van Vranken highlight the many treasures of pray and tradition to guide you on your Lenten journey.

Explaining both the biblical roots of the season of Lent as well as the liturgical rites and rituals that we celebrate, All about Lent & Holy Week provides answers to what we believe and how to put those beliefs into practice. Topics in this volume include everything from Lenten devotions and traditions like the Stations of the Cross and prayer, fasting and almsgiving, to the unique elements of the Holy Week and Triduum liturgies. This extraordinary resource is an invaluable guide for all who desire to deepen their understanding and experience of Jesus's great love for us throughout Lent and beyond!

And here's a sneak peek of some of our favorite pages:

We can't wait for All about Lent to start arriving, and we hope and pray that it becomes a timeless resource for you!


  1. Very excited about this! You are making our job as Catholic parents much easier with these beautiful and incredibly informative books. Thank you.
