Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sunday Readings Scripture Doodles- Year Three

Happy New Year!  Three years ago, I decided to challenge myself to spend more time with the Sunday Mass readings, praying and reflecting over God's Word.  Back at the beginning, I wrote"Scripture doodling. That's what I'm calling it anyways.  It helps me focus, helps me memorize, and helps me treasure God's Word.  I often spend time doodling on Sundays using the Sunday Readings from Mass.  Today, as I sat down to pray, I realized that the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new Liturgical Year, is a great time for, well, a new year's resolution.  So I've decided to be a little more intentional about this idea.  I broke out an unused journal, labeled the top of each page with all the coming Sundays this year, and started today.  My goal is to spend time meditating on the Readings for each Sunday for the rest of the year and doodle a selected verse every week.  I'll be documenting the journey each Sunday on Instagram using the hashtag #SundayReadingsScriptureDoodle.  Come follow along, and jump in if you like!"

I've now completed over 150 weekly Scripture Doodles, and wanted to share a recap with you from this year. You can see the wrap up post with some of my favorite Scripture Doodles from 2015-2016 here and 2016-2017 here.  I have kept up with my "Liturgical New Year Resolution" by posting them on Instagram each week, which gives me both accountability and community. You can see the whole collection (and some guests, too!) using the Instagram hashtag here

Here are some of my personal favorites from 2017-2018:

I'm often asked about my favorite supplies, so here are a few recommendations: (Amazon Affiliate links-  That means that if you click through and purchase something, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.)
-These notebooks
-These pens
-This pen
-These pens for color
-These pencils
-This eraser
And as much as I hate to break with tradition, the format of this project started in Moleskine notebooks because a Catholic Journaling Bible didn't exist yet.  Now that the Blessed is She Catholic Journaling Bible is here, this year I'm adding my Sunday Readings Scripture Doodle right into the margins of my Bible.  I do miss my little notebooks, but the longevity of adding more art and spending time right in my Bible makes the most sense.  If you haven't seen it already, the BIS Bible is a great option for art, study, and prayer.

I'd love to have you join my on this endeavor to draw nearer to God through Scripture.  Feel free to chose your own verse each week, write it down, letter and decorate it, type it, whatever works for you.  If you want to share it on social media, use #SundayReadingsScriptureDoodle so we can all be praying together. 

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