Monday, December 18, 2023

Nativity & Christmas Coloring Pages

Did you know that 2023 marks the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi displaying the first Nativity Scene (also called a créche)?

Gathering figurines of the Holy Family, shepherds, wise men, angels, and animals reminds us in our waiting during Advent to keep the true meaning of Christmas close to our hearts. Here are some ideas for being intentional with your Nativity scene this Advent:
  • Set up your stable early in Advent and then slowly add more of the Nativity figurines each week.
  • In the empty manger place a piece of straw or yarn in the manger have a special spot for the empty manger whenever someone says an extra prayer or does a good deed. This helps make a warm bed to welcome Baby Jesus.
  • Wait to add Baby Jesus until Christmas Day!
  • Have the wise men figurines “wander” through your home during the Christmas season as they look for Jesus. Add them to the Nativity on Epiphany.
Click here for a coloring page of the Nativity Scene during Advent (no Baby Jesus yet!):

And click here for a coloring page of the Nativity in Bethlehem:

Here is a Christmas prayer that would be perfect to use as a family, or even to color and give as a gift to grandparents, godparents, teachers, or your priest!

And you can read more about the Nativity and other Advent traditions in All about Advent & Christmas: Sharing the Seasons of Hope & Wonder with Children. These coloring pages were made in cooperation with Shari Van Vranken of Catholic Paper Goods using artwork from our new book!

You can find it at The St. Paul Center here (30% off until 12/31/23!) or on Amazon here. It's also available as an ebook in both places if that's more your style! 

And you can find all of the free resources linked in this post:


  1. Thank you for all the wonderful resources you provide.

  2. Thank you for all the wonderful resources.
