
Check here for a list of posts connected to teaching about or preparing for the Sacraments.
(Posts with a * indicate they contain free printables.)
The Sacraments:
Sacraments Idea Board on Pinterest
Video Playlist for the Seven Sacraments
Fulton Sheen as a Minister of the Sacraments* (Mini Book with photos and quotes)
Sacrament Symbols* (Printable graphic organizer for notes)
Sacraments and Grace* (Printable graphic organizer for notes)
Sacraments Signs and Actions notes*
Sacraments in My Church Scavenger Hunt*
Sacrament Graffiti Walls
Sacrament Mosaics 

Design Your Own Baptismal Candle Worksheet*
Celebrating a Baptism Day, Part One- Link to my Goddaughter's Mommy's Blog :)
Celebrating a Baptism Day, Part Two

Teaching About the Mass Activity Sheets* (2nd-8th)
My First Catholic Church Book in Spanish* (Pre-4th)
The Mass & The Priesthood Editable Google Classroom Assignment (6th-8th)
Mass Handbook for Older Kids* (4th-High School)
How to Get the Most out of Mass*
Peg Doll Saints, church, and Mass Kit (Pre-4th)
Make Your Own Mini Mass Kit (Pre-4th)
Learning Through Play: Mass Kits (Pre-5th)
Adoration with Kids Printables* (K-8th)
Favorite Books about the Mass (All Ages)
Order of the Mass Activity Cards* (4th-8th)
Using the Multiple Intelligences to Teach about the Mass* (all ages)
Mass Words and Games Review (card game & app) (all ages)
Mass Reflection Page Graphic Organizer* (2nd grade and up)
Mass Reflection Slides (all ages)

Confirmation Saint Graphic Organizers* (tons of printables about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, as well as really getting to know a Confirmation Saint!)
Who is the Holy Spirit Intro or Review* (editable/digital or paper)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Retreat* (6th and up) (set of activities, prayer, Scripture, and videos about the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Lectio Divina Journal* (6th and up)
Reviewing Confirmation Notebook Activity (with a tie into Pentecost)
Confirmation Fact Foldable* Notetaking device
Pentecost Self Portraits & Confirmation Door
Confirmation Saint Pennants*
Saint Scavenger Hunt*
Saint Scavenger Hunt Digital Version (Awesome way to discover Confirmation Saint)
Come Holy Spirit Coloring Page*
Confirmation Parent Support Letter*
Confirmation General Requirements*
Confirmation Sponsor Requirements*
Confirmation Service Project Record Sheet*
Confirmation Saint Name Report*
St. Augustine Holy Spirit Prayer*
Confirmation Penance Service Program*
Confirmation Penance Service Reflection for Adults*
Confirmation Penance Service Reflection for Students*

Pop Out Divine Mercy Chaplet* (Connection to Reconciliation)
Review Reconciliation* (Notebooking activity- connection to Divine Mercy)
Image of Divine Mercy and Reconciliation Lapbook 
Divine Mercy Watercolor Art* (printable coloring page)
Divine Mercy Melty Bead Craft* (printable pattern and examples)

Anointing of the Sick:
Reviewing Anointing of the Sick* (Notebooking Activity)
The Healing Ministry of Jesus* Mini Bible Study for Kids

Holy Orders, Marriage, and Vocations:
All Vocations are Modeled after the Trinity*
The Mass & The Priesthood Editable Google Classroom Assignment (6th-8th)
Vocations, Part Two: Favorite Resources for Teaching about Vocations
Vocations, Part Three: My Hands Can Serve Activity *
Vocations, Part Four: Holy Orders Printables *
Vocations, Part Five: Matrimony*: discussion and printable
The Cafeteria is Closed: Marriage Youth Group Lesson*
Praying for Vocations* Tactile Prayer Stations
A Bishop's Coat of Arms Activities*


  1. thank you so much for your wonderful work

  2. Hi Katie. Wow! What an amazing resource. I am most likely teaching 5th grade CCD this year and your stuff really fits what I want to do. (I'm also a homeschooling mom.) I just wanted to make sure the links on this page were all up to date. I was hoping to see notebook work on the Sacrament of Marriage. Are there any? Thanks so, so much for making this available.

    1. Hi Nicole! Yay! I am glad that you are finding some resources for use at both CCD and in your homeschool. I do have a couple of other posts about marriage that were not on this page- thank you for asking! It is updated now. You can find a notebooking/discussion activity about marriage here:
      You might also like the My Hands Can Serve activity, which is about preparing for our future vocations.
      And I have another activity that you might like about how all love and all vocations are modeled after the Trinity. I just did it for the first time this year, so I don't have a blog post up about it, but hope to do that very soon. If you send me your email address, I would be happy to send it to you as soon as it is done. My email is katherine (dot) bogner (at) gmail (dot) com.
      Thanks, and let me know if you have any more questions!

    2. Nicole, I got that activity about vocations and marriage posted! It can be found here:

  3. Your Mass handbook is AMAZING!!!! I absolutely adore it! Thank you so much for this resource!

    1. Thanks, Jami! That came out of need when the new Roman Missal came out and there were very few resources, and most were for littler kids. It was cool to see teens and tweens walking into Mass carrying that book :)

  4. Hi Katie,

    I love your ideas! I teach 3rd grade RE and am going to use some of these! I especially love your fold outs - (like on Lent) but for some reason when they print it is just lines rather than the words. Can you help?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Kylee! I'm so glad you've found some useful items! And I'm sorry that you are having trouble printing. My best recommendation is to download first before printing. Sometime printing from various browsers does not translate well. When you click on a file on my blog you want to print, it opens in Google Drive, and then you want to click on the down arrow. It will open as a pdf file. (You'll have to have a program like Acrobat reader to do this). You should be able to print then. If you continue to have trouble, please send me an email at katherine (dot) bogner (at) gmail (dot) com and I can email you the file directly, which might work better :) (I'm sending you an email as well to make sure you see this!) Thanks!

  5. How do I print the Youth Handbook in book form?

    1. It is set up so that if you print the book two sided in the normal order, (page 1 on the back of page 2, etc.), then stack, and fold in half it should be a booklet in the correct order. Feel free to send me an email if that doesn't help! katherine (dot) bogner (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. Hi Katie!!
    Your craft ideas are simply superb! I tried out the Year of Mercy crafts and children simply loved them..thanks a lot Katie:) May God bless you abundantly for your wonderful selfless service:)


    1. Thanks, Lini! I'm so glad they liked them!

  7. Thanks, Katie! I have shared your blog with the teachers at my school. They are thrilled to have such a great resource. Thank you!!!!

  8. Hi! Your work is so beautiful! I am organizing "blessing bags" for the homeless as a Lenten service project at our Catholic School. Do you have a quote made that the children could color that would be appropriate to include in the bags as inspiration to someone living on the streets?

    1. What a wonderful service that you are doing, both for the homeless and for your students. I don't know if I have something that will be just right, but I looked through my archives and pulled a few suggestions. I think my top pick would be one of the pretty Sacred Heart Stained glass pages, and then maybe have the students write a favorite Bible verse on it in their own handwriting (maybe with some guidance from you). I'd love to see how your blessing bags turn out! If you think of it, send a picture to
      Sacred Heart of Jesus
      The Easter one on this page
      Exodus 14:14
      Psalm 68:19
      John 12:46

  9. I cannot thank you enough for sharing all of these resources! I am teaching fifth grade for the first time this year and I can't wait to get my kids more engaged with your awesome ideas! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  10. Hi Katie, i love your work! I was wondering what your suggestions be for a 1st year confirmation teacher as for lesson plans? thanks

    1. Hi! Congrats on your first year! Do you mean how I would recommend you prepare/write lesson plans for each week, or how to plan curriculum overall? Would love to help! Feel free to send me an email at looktohimandberadiant (at) gmail (dot) com!

  11. Hi Katie,
    I am in awe of your site and all of the resources that you have shared!! You are an amazing woman and faith leader! I have saved so many AWESOME resources from you site. I can tell that you have spent countless hours creating and preparing these lessons with so many cool and creative ways to teach the Catholic faith. It is very kind of you to share them with so many people. I am a first year religion teacher, and you have inspired me! Thanks for your generosity and hard work! God bless!

  12. Dear Katie,
    I am so glad I found your site. You have the BEST ideas for my Sunday School kids and they are all very inexpensive to do. Keep doing what you do girl!

    Nancy Haussmann
    Denton, Tx

  13. HELLO Anne,
    I am a first-time catechist in my local parish for 4th-grade youngsters and your ideas of teaching have come in handy. I have always introduced my students with your activities, which they truly adore. With gratitude, My team and I want to say thanks a billion for these lovely activities because each generation has their style of learning.


  14. I am so grateful that you have shared all of these wonderful ideas!! Thank you so very much!!!

  15. I just want you to know how amazingly creative you are! You are extremely generous for sharing this with all of us! Praise God for making you who you are! THANK YOU to infinity and beyond!

  16. Hi Katie, I really enjoyed your presentation at the Catechist's training on Feb 21. I already grabbed 2 resources for my RE class this week. May God continue to bless you in your ministry. Irene
